Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October already? I just woke up!

Assalamualaikum wbt and salam sejahtera,

Seriously I'm an inconsistent so-called blogger. I would be lying to you if I said that I don't have enough time to write and voice out my opinions or whatever. Not too busy anyway.Alhamdulillah, my working life is getting better and easier because of two reasons. Firstly, the arrival of a new Chemistry teacher. She has made my teaching periods significantly decreased. The second reason would be I'm becoming more comfortable and familiar with my colleagues, students, staffs and scheme of works.

Sometimes I wondered whether should I continue this job because of personal reasons. I don't mind to teach those students. The real problem is, I still don't have that 'enthusiasm' to be a good and dedicated teacher. In my point of view, some very hardworking teachers here are being 'manipulated' by others. What I mean 'manipulated' here does not involve fierce-looking person or a bully.

I spent quality time at school field or gym almost every evening back in my early days here but now the situation has changed. Now I seldom do that. Why? Simple. Because of laziness. Laziness that stems from frequently-occupied evening time with meetings and extra classes. Wait, I'm NOT blaming any party here. I'm just telling the fact. Yeah, that also explains why I'm kinda putting on weight now. I hate it but i'm a willing victim of this vicious cycle.LOL. Some people asked me the same question about my weight. I just smiled and gave the typical answers like these 'Dah bahagia dah, stres kerja, makan sedap'. Well, actually I haven't found a very strong reason why I should stay in shape or to be specific,good looking. Sounds like immature,heart-broken teenager aye?but it's true somehow.

Peer pressure. Yeah, those words are the reflection of various wedding invitations that I received recently. Sape taknak kahwin oi. Sabaq jela.

Okay, I should focus on my work. Over-thinking on this sort of matter alone would lead me nowhere. I should restart this topic after finishing all my incomplete tasks and give my very best to my students esp Form 5 students. Till next time.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ramadhan Edition

Assalamualaikum wbt and salam sejahtera,

I don't really remember how long exactly I haven't updated my blog. Busy?well, kind of.Alhamdulillah, due to the month of Ramadhan, school activities are significantly reduced. *lying my body on a comfy sofa and resting my arms on a small pillow.

Oh ya,talking about Ramadhan.once again. Alhamdulillah, Allah has given me another opportunity to live in this holy month. Before continuing on this matter, what is the purpose of fasting? Is it only because Allah instructed us to do so? Well, the answer is already mentioned in Surah Al Baqarah verse 183.

To gain 'taqwa'   :)

Allah uses the word 'la'alla' at the very end of the verse which means 'hopefully' or 'perhaps'. In other words, Allah does not guarantee us that by refraining our bodies from food and drinks more than 6 hours , we will be one of muttaqin (people who really have 'taqwa' in Allah).

However, Islam is not a backward, irrelevant and shallow religion. Islam is suitable for all mankind because of the concept of syamil,kamil and mutakamil.

Syamil is defined as holistic teachings without being limited by time and space. More explanation?Islam is universal.It encompasses every inch of your actions in your daily life. From waking up in the morning till giving smile to others.It's not only about five times prayer, fasting, going to Mecca for pilgrimage (haji in Malay). Not just physical ritual. This shows Allah SWT offers his uncountable blessings to us because every single action,reaction or even good intention for the sake of Him is rewarded (pahala). :)

In the light of Kamil criteria, Islam touches every aspect of life such as relationships, economics, law, and etc. As I mentioned earlier, Islam does not only cater relationship with God, it also takes into account our relationship with all living things and non-living things. Example would be like this.
Someone is not a really good Muslim if he/she prays five times everyday, fasting every Monday and Thursday,but always shows disrespect to other beings such as parents,friends and even stray cats!. How about relationship with non-living things?? if someone loves to waste water intentionally then it is considered as improper in Islam. Although this kind of behavior might be seen as relatively insignificant,this shows that Islam is very particular in making sure that this religion is free from faulty or contradiction. Therefore it can be seen as the only religion that truly comes from God.

Mutakamil is actually the integrated connections between all aspects in Islam. You cannot take/practice only some parts of islamic teachings and leave other aspects. For example, you have very good relationship with your parents, always giving hands to ease their burden. However, let say if you are a businessman,you suppress your clients by taking riba' that is considered as 'haram' (prohibited) by Allah SWT.

I hope this post would remind me as a mere Muslim, as well as others,to keep myself up and to achieve His ultimate mercy and blessings (keredhaan). By becoming a people of taqwa then insyaallah we will gain that ultimate purpose of our life as Muslim.Ameen. Till then :)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Hectic and Unexpected Life

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera,

Lama sungguh tak update.Ni pun pakai phone je.Macam biasa,just share my experience here in this isolated place named Mukah.drama btol.padahal pekan kut.Haha

Actually,hari ni aku dapat bernafas dgn lega skit.Earlier days in this week mmg busy gila.Siapkan paperworks, uruskan program2 sekolah,penyelarasan akademik n so on.Dah tak terkira berapa jawatan yg pernah dan sedang disandang.Eceh,padahal boleh je kira.Cuma malas nak serabut.

Dalam minggu yg sama jugak this teacher dicerap.*sounds funny* ataupun dinilai oleh Ketua Jabatan,KJ. Pergh,mmg agak nervous mula2.rasa mcm fake plak first few minutes.Tp lepas naik syeikh tu,mmg energetic la,sampai berpeluh kot,literally,aha.Oleh sbab KJ tu busy,dia kluar dr kelas aku.Cakap okay sambil thumbs up. Mmg rasa lega tp i wish i had greater details on my teaching style.

Mmg minggu ni ak stress sampai migraine.Tapi kadang2 karenah budak2 ni buat aku tersenyum,so xla stress sgt. Siap bagi bunga bagai.Mebi nak mengusik aku tp ak ni jenis layan je,malas nak terlalh responsive

Okay,weekends dah.Nak rileks skit.Well,takla rileks sgt.Ada je program kena join.Sabar jela.Cuba ikhlas n kejar redha Ilahi dengan keringat yang dicurahkan dalam membimbing Till then :)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Learn and Grow

Fuh..fuh..*meniup sawang-sawang imaginary spider..

Assalamualaikum dan salam 1..ini kalilah~ <-- apahal?

Keyboard warrior is back. eheh..Somehow rasa ditiup semangat luar biasa untuk menaip dan meng'update' blog setelah sekian lama. Dapat pulak music background lagu-lagu slow ,blues gitu. Alhamdulillah syukur ke hadrat Allah SWT akan kesempatan hidup yang diberi. Iya lah, sering kali kita 'take for granted' kehidupan yang lalui hari-hari. :)

Right now I'm at the end of 4-day seminar. Esok pukul 12 habis. So far I really enjoy this course. Esp food. Haha. Hotel, so what do u expect?ini syok jadi kakitangan MARA walaupun hanya guru kerana jawatan kami diiktiraf sebagai 'professional', tidak lagi seperti pemikiran dahulu bahawa profesyen guru adalah 'last choice', seolah-olah martabat kerja guru setanding dengan staf-staf sokongan. Alhamdulillah :)

Another exciting experience here is I have had chances to mix around with experienced teachers esp Guru Cemerlang. So I asked for their advice on how to improve my teaching style and efficiency. Tapi,tapi, aku rasa diorang ni da mcm makcik2 aku plak. Mula-mula sembang pasal akademik. pastu mula lah cerita pasal family dia, experience dia masa muda dan sampaila kepada drama-drama diorang minat seperti Adam dan hawa, Rindu Bertamu di Abu Dhabi n so on. Disebabkan aku tengok sikit2 kat MRSM Mukah tu,so aku pun 'inject' skit je bahan perbualan, terus depa soksek2 tak berhenti. Aku pun layan jela.Cikgu baru kan...*little sigh. But I really enjoy those conversations.haha

Lusa dah nak balik Mukah..herm, i wish i could stay longer here in peninsula..but work comes first..kesian pula students..bila tak masuk kelas maka yang susah aku jugak..nak buat kelas ganti..I would like to share this quotation with you

'On every surface you walk,you must leave your mark.No matter what the situation,you must continue to serve humanity in everything'

Till then :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Kerek je cikgu ni

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera :)

Sejak dua menjak ini, memang susah nak meluangkan masa untuk menaip/mengomel di sini. Even di Facebook or Twitter. Bukanlah busy super sangat takda masa langsung untuk online. Just lately sangat banyak aktiviti yang membuatkan aku rasa malas nak online. Yelah, selalu tumpang wi-fi member.Sekali dia pergi kursus seminggu n mungkin ter'off' suis wifi, so the only way to get the internet access is by using teacher room's wi-fi. I love this comfy,air-conditioned 'bilik guru' but sometimes laziness halts me from moving my legs to walk to this place.

Alhamdulillah selesai sudah minggu aktiviti terutamanya merentas desa. I was one of head committees who ran this event. tak sampai beberapa hari lapor diri, dah 'diamanahkan' untuk menggantikan seorang cikgu ni sebagai ketua biro peralatan. I don't really mind to handle a task like this. Cuma rasa macam janggal bila cikgu paling muda dan mentah tiba-tiba bersidang (meeting)  bersama otai2 cikgu yang lain. Macam biasa la,sebagai orang baru tak boleh nak 'menonjol sangat'. Bak kata seorang cikgu, budaya cakap belakang di kalangan guru adalah agak normal. Depan kita cakap baik2,muka manis je. Kat belakang2,hurm, Allah dan 'rakan2 tersubahat' yang tahu.

Mungkin aku ni jenis cautious.Or overly-cautious. Sometimes I can feel that some teachers don't really accept me here. Ecece. Sounds pathetic and nak minta simpati  pelempang. haha. Entah. if you look from their body language and facial expression, like suggesting that i'm a new,snobbish teacher. Wallahualam. Kebanyakan prasangka itu adalah dosa. So aku cuba bersangka baik jela. Mebi salah aku sendiri yang tak pandai nak 'masuk' sangat dengan mereka2 ini. Certain people memang senang je nak 'ngam', certain people tu bila bertentang je mesti ada rasa 'awkward2'. Prinsip aku senang je, kalau jumpa guru/ staff yang tak berapa nak mesra ni, aku senyum je dan kalau rajin, barulah aku tanya soalan2 yang bertaraf sekolah rendah. Asalkan 'break the ice'.hehe

By the way, kat sini memang sangat cepat rasa nak tidur. Especially bila petang2 bersungguh main sukan. Pukul 11 tu dah rasa mcm pukul 1 pagi kat semenanjung rasa mengantuknya. Mungkin sebab dah menjadi kelaziman (routine) bangun seawal 5 pagi. nak mandi, solat subuh.

I love to observe the life of students here and my mind keep thinking like  how can I improve and contribute to make this MRSM will get better every year and in what ways I could use to extract the best of each student. Insyaallah, sebagai murabbi/ pendidik, I will do my best to materialize this mission. Till then :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Young teacher on board

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera

Kesian blog ni. Dah berapa lama tak update. Maklumlah sekarang ‘busy’ menjadi guru. Haha.First of all, I would like to express my utmost gratitude (syukur) to Allah SWT for giving me a priceless reward to have a job quit early from what I expected. Kalau dulu ingatkan bulan 3 baru dapat panggilan interview dan kemudian,paling cepat pun bulan 5 baru dipanggil oleh MARA untuk ke kursus dan kemudian mengajar.

Di kesempatan ini, memandangkan hari ini aku kena mengajar satu kelas sahaja,dan kebetulan baru dapat online dengan lebih proper,maka ingin aku kongsikan sedikit pengalaman2 aku yang masih setahun jagung dalam alam perguruan.

Pada 24hb Feb, aku dan seorang lagi rakan sekerja selamat mendarat di lapangan terbang Mukah. Naik kapal terbang yang kecik,yang enjin ada kipas tu (I forgot the specific name already)..haha. My pre-conceived notion about Mukah was totally wrong! I thought the city would have like very few shops,a few ATMs and so on. Lapangan terbang tu bersebelahan dengan pantai,which is quite scenic and windy.

Selepas 10 minit menunggu barulah ada seorang cikgu yang bernama Syukri datang ambil kami berdua.
He is very friendly,talkative and quite funny. Ingatkan jarak MRSM dengan airport jauh.Rupanya dalam 5 minutes drive je. To my amazement there are heaps of superstores, banks and other basic facilities here. Tapi Jusco, Tesco semua tu takda la.Jarak antara bangunan-bangunan komersial ini sangat berhampiran antara satu sama lain. Kiranya macam pembangunan berpusat la. Lagi best, dari city centre nak ke MRSM hanya mengambil masa 4 minit sahaja.Kalau drive lah.Haha. Kira dekatlah.

Hari pertama di sana banyak dihabiskan dengan membeli barang-barang persendirian dan rumah termasuk perabot. I live in a quarters with other 3 single male teachers. Bilik seorang satu,sangat besar dan menghadap kawasan yang berangin. Memang syok. Bila ada bilik sendiri,ada privacy dan tak perlu nak melayan karenah roommate yang mungkin kita tak gemar. Well,it’s up to someone la kan. Malam hari pula, kami keluar makan di sebuah restoran tepi sungai. Makanan di sini? Sedaplah juga dan harga pun lebih kurang sama dengan semenanjung. Tapi Mi Golok memang sedap.haha

Hari kedua,hari isnin adalah cuti peristiwa, sebab pelajar2 baru selesai kejohanan olahraga hari Khamis sebelumnya. Nothing much to do. Beli perabot lagi dan pusing2 di sekitar kawasan sekolah. Kat sini aku jumpa juga senior2 di Auckland dan other parts of New Zealand. Cuma ada kakak2 ni yang aku tak kenal, tetiba panggil ‘Ni majud kan?’. I was like ‘how do you know my name?’. Tapi takpela, at least, kita menambah kenalan. I’m the youngest teacher in this school. Duh, dulu rasa selesa je jadi ‘senior’ di Auckland. Bila sampai sini jadi adik bongsu. Nampak kecikkk je walaupun badan aku besar.haha
Most of teachers here came from semenanjung. Most of them are friendly and caring. Termasuk pengetua dan timbalan2 nya. Siap boleh panggil ‘akak’ lagi. Like Syukri said, they are close-knit family, even dengan staff2 biasa pun. Cuma ada la beberapa individu yang masih aku kureng skit nak berinteraksi. Mebi sebab senioriti yang masih menebal ataupun memang karakter dia Nampak kurang mesra. Bersangka baik je. Mungkin memerlukan masa nak betul2 ‘gel in’ into this big happy family.

Akhirnya tibalah masa hari ketiga disini yakni hari pertama aku betul2 bertugas sebagai guru. Ingatkan nak wat ice-breaking session je.. last2 cikgu yang in charge dalam department aku, Chemistry Department suruh aku mengajar skali.uish..dah la topic yang agak berat..Aku pun redha jela.Dah nama pun tugas. I have to teach Chemistry Form 4 , Science Form 1 and 2.  Sumpah aku agak loss dan blur pada awal..Rancangan pengajaran tahunan pon tak ada di tangan..lesson plan pon tak ada.Redah je..Ikut apa yang aku rasa sesuai dengan karakter budak2 dalam kelas tertentu.

Alhamdulillah, aku rasa bersyukur sebab dapat posting di sini. Budak-budak dia sangat menghormati guru walaupun ada yang nakal2 skit ataupun gedik. Di suatu sudut yang lain, ini menguatkan keyakinan aku bahawa apa yang ditakdirkan untuk kita oleh Allah SWT sebenarnya baik untuk kita. Dulu masa mula2 dpt surat tawaran ke Mukah memang rasa agak down tapi bila dah sampai di sini rasa mcm tak nak tukar sekolah, unless MRSM tu environment nya pun lebih kurang sama mcm kat sini..demand habis.haha. Okey setakat ini sahaja update kehidupan chekgu di sini. Till then

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Find Way Back Into Love

When I close my eyes tonight,I wish I could erase my dark,bitter history,memories and rotten hopes.That moment which tell me it's the right time to walk away with open heart and smile. Insyaallah,if I were to open my eyes tomorrow, I wish I could restart things,fix unsettled problems,start rebranding myself and be progressive.Be more passionate with my job a.k.a responsibilities and learn more and more about people's life.Because every Mukmin should strive to be a better person.Ameen. Till then =)