Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October already? I just woke up!

Assalamualaikum wbt and salam sejahtera,

Seriously I'm an inconsistent so-called blogger. I would be lying to you if I said that I don't have enough time to write and voice out my opinions or whatever. Not too busy anyway.Alhamdulillah, my working life is getting better and easier because of two reasons. Firstly, the arrival of a new Chemistry teacher. She has made my teaching periods significantly decreased. The second reason would be I'm becoming more comfortable and familiar with my colleagues, students, staffs and scheme of works.

Sometimes I wondered whether should I continue this job because of personal reasons. I don't mind to teach those students. The real problem is, I still don't have that 'enthusiasm' to be a good and dedicated teacher. In my point of view, some very hardworking teachers here are being 'manipulated' by others. What I mean 'manipulated' here does not involve fierce-looking person or a bully.

I spent quality time at school field or gym almost every evening back in my early days here but now the situation has changed. Now I seldom do that. Why? Simple. Because of laziness. Laziness that stems from frequently-occupied evening time with meetings and extra classes. Wait, I'm NOT blaming any party here. I'm just telling the fact. Yeah, that also explains why I'm kinda putting on weight now. I hate it but i'm a willing victim of this vicious cycle.LOL. Some people asked me the same question about my weight. I just smiled and gave the typical answers like these 'Dah bahagia dah, stres kerja, makan sedap'. Well, actually I haven't found a very strong reason why I should stay in shape or to be specific,good looking. Sounds like immature,heart-broken teenager aye?but it's true somehow.

Peer pressure. Yeah, those words are the reflection of various wedding invitations that I received recently. Sape taknak kahwin oi. Sabaq jela.

Okay, I should focus on my work. Over-thinking on this sort of matter alone would lead me nowhere. I should restart this topic after finishing all my incomplete tasks and give my very best to my students esp Form 5 students. Till next time.

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